Strategy: The best way to deal with the slumber is to ensure you're only fighting one druid at a time (CC all others if nearby).

The problem with this ability is that it can also target healers, effectively neutralizing them for 15 seconds. The first ability, Druid's Slumber, will put an enemy target to sleep for up to 15 seconds. They are hard-hitting casters with some abilities to be watchful. Skinning is a great profession to have for Wailing Caverns because many of the enemies found inside can be skinned!ĭruid of the Fang is the first and only notable trash mob you will come across in the Wailing Caverns.

Some mobs will cast Sleep, but could be cleansed with a Dispel ability from either a Shaman, Priest, or Paladin. It'll be beneficial to have a class that can stun, fear and/or interrupt spell casting. In Wailing Caverns, many of the mobs are casters. Usually a Healing Priest due to their versatile healing kit and buffs like, but Druids, Paladins, and Shaman can also heal.
#Wailing caverns mage drops Patch
In keeping with Patch 1.12, groups of up to 10 players may enter the Wailing Caverns together, although 5 is considered a typical group size. However, due to its high-quality agility gear and quest rewards, many players will want to run WC at least once. Wailing Caverns is the first non-linear dungeon of the game, making it a challenge to navigate for new players. The instance portal is situated within the Lushwater Oasis just southwest of the Crossroads. Heal with a HP pot when you can to conserve mana.Wailing Caverns is a level 15-25 dungeon located in the Horde leveling zone of Northern Barrens in WoW Classic.

Keep meleeing and droping earth/frost shock. Second time your health gets low heal yourself.

Keep meleeing her (remember to drop your totems when thy go away). When you get to low HP, use your lesser HP potion. Melee her, using a frost shock when it's charged (if you don't have frost shock, use earth).
#Wailing caverns mage drops skin
Drop your Stone Skin totem, your fire ball totem, and your healing totem if you have it. She will try casting something at you at the begining of the battle, you can tell because you see a green spell charging. Pull her with your lightning spell and bring her onto the land. She was easy enough for me to solo on my lvl 22 shaman. Both are great and sell in the AH for over 1g. She drops the blue item pulsating hydra heart and the green item shiver blade. only a little bigger than the turtles around her. She is in the oasis south of the entrence to WC. Commentaire de ThottbotThis Hydra actually is quite difficult to find.